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Main page Corporate governance Board of Directors Committees of Board of Directors Board Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee
Board Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee

Structure of the Board Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee:

  • Faisal Alsuwaidi (Chairman of the Committee)
  • Aleksander V. Novak (Deputy Chairman of the Committee)
  • Pedro A. Aquino, Jr.
  • Hamad Rashid Al-Mohannadi
  • Govind Kottieth Satish

Committee’s objectives and functions

The Committees primary objective is to provide assistance to the Company Board of Directors in the strategic management of the Company activities, in its work to protect Company shareholders’ interests via exercising control of the Company strategy and sustainable development.

Key functions of the Committee are as follows:

  • participate in establishing priority areas of Company business, assessment of strategic initiatives from Company senior executives with regard to development and implementation control of the Company Strategy and business area specific strategies of the Company;
  • analyze principal trends of the Russian current economic policy in relation to the Company activities and communicate relevant information to the Company Board of Directors;
  • participate in control of the Company Business Plan delivery;
  • assess efficiency of the Company interaction with investors and shareholders of the Company.

The Committee provides assistance to the Board of Directors in the following areas of its competence:

  • identification of the Company strategic objectives and development milestones, including the Company goals in social, environmental responsibility and governance area (ESG);
  • assessment of the Company long-term efficiency and the contribution to the achievement of the UN global sustainable development goals;
  • assurance of strategic and business planning;
  • formulation of the Company policy with regard to Group Subsidiaries;
  • within the competence specified in the Company Charter pertaining to the corporate structure

The Committees functions and mechanisms of interaction with other corporate bodies are governed by the Regulation on Rosneft Oil Company On Rosneft Board Committees.